Catch him if you can
Величайшие преступники всех времён наконец нашли себе достойную соперницу
Газ до отказа!
It's not where you start - It's where you start again
1964. When America was at war with itself.
Вы то, что они едят!
"What we've got here is failure to communicate."
No one can escape the sins of the past
They're going to pin something on that smart cop from Philidelphia . . . maybe a medal . . . maybe a murder!
Болота Флориды скрывают тайну, от разгадки которой зависит, будет ли спасена жизнь невинного человека
Evil comes when you call his name.
A Fearless Feminine Creature with a heart full of love !
The Secret Is Out
The evolution of evil
An Entire Town Bathed In Pulsing Human Blood! Madmen Crazed For Carnage!
Ты всё ещё хочешь узнать правду?
You're in Hazzard County where the lawmen are crooks, the good guys are outlaws and ever'body's in-laws!