There's no such thing as adventure and romance, only trouble and desire.
Когда я вырасту большим, я стану девушкой!
In 1939, Elena went to Paris searching for her voice as a writer. What she found was her voice as a woman.
Volker Schlöndorff's Masterly Film
The possibilities were endless...
Dedicated to the Legion of Women Who, Without Uniforms, Flags or Glory, Follow Their Men Into Danger and Death! (Print Ad- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, ((Pittsburgh, Penna.)) 5 December 1930)
Metroland is not a location - it is a state of mind.
They bombed it. They strafed it. Sabotaged it. Cursed the train!
Это лето изменило нашу жизнь. Мы уже никогда не станем прежними
The most intriguing love story of the year!