Evil is inherent in the human mind, whatever innocence may cloak it...
Болота Флориды скрывают тайну, от разгадки которой зависит, будет ли спасена жизнь невинного человека
Trust No-one
The legendary cult classic
Убийца становится мишенью
Маньяк из самого сердца Африки
Mass murderer Horace Pinker was put to death. Then he really got mad
In the tradition of "RASHOMON" and "GATE OF HELL"
A unique experience in inner terror.
At last, the night has a hero.
Talk on the phone. Finish your homework. Watch T.V. DIE!
A Motion Picture which will be seen by the entire world - up to the end of the world!
Ради Бога, уходите!
Rome. Before Christ. After Fellini.
The Return of Pinhead
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His World Could Never Change... Until She Became His World.