Он – одинокий, забытый человек, отчаянно пытающийся доказать что он - ВЫЖИВЕТ
You can't ignore her. You can't beat her. You can't resist her. You can't win...
From Age to Age One Classic Story is as Timeless as Love Itself
You may not like what he does, but are you prepared to give up his right to do it?
Во имя Господа нашего, посылаем мы нечисть немёртвую на вечные муки. Аминь
На обочине жизни. В бизнесе смерти. У него есть повод, чтобы жить дальше
They're taking trains... They're taking banks and they're taking one piece of baggage!
Power. Greed. Justice.
Добро пожаловать в ад!
Better if all these men were dead. Think about it!
Некуда бежать. И нет смысла прятаться
Убийца с того света
Их шансы были сто к одному
Когда играешь со смертью, проиграть можно только раз
It's all in the delivery.
It was foretold there will be seven signs. The seventh sign will be a woman. Her hope is all we have left.
Hunted by the Law... Hated by the Lawless!
On the frontier all they have is each other
A Brand New Seven -- Doing Their Number! They put their lives on the line and let it ride!