The only way out... is in.
He Might Have Been A Pretty Good Guy . . . If Too Much Power . . . And Women . . . Hadn't Gone To his Head !
Evil Has Declared War... Again!
Who's the man in the suit? Who's the cat with the beak?
It's never too late to reconcile.
If you fuck with the bull, you get the horn
There's always a way out. You just have to find it.
Cuts to the Bare Bone of Maternal Love.
They thought he was dead. They were dead wrong
Where Antonioni begins...his first feature film
A story of wealth, fame, power... and this guy.
The Master of Comedy takes on The Master of Suspense!
The most imaginative picture yet! (Newspaper ad cut).
Some people would die to get (him) this job.
Assassination. Try to see it from their point of view.
She confused him for a therapist and told him her deepest secrets. Now, two people who never should have met are discovering there's nothing more seductive than the truth