Love, betrayal, passion and pride.
No one's ever been so good at being so bad
SHE SEIZED THE LOVE That Is Every Woman's Birthright! (Print Ad- The Lodi News, ((Lodi, Calif.)) 9 January 1935)
If you liked her as "Emmanuelle" you'll love her as... Julia.
Sometimes, inspiration is where you least expect it . . .
From the Secrets of WOMAN'S LOVE-LIFE comes this Heart-stopping story of DEVOTION! SACRIFICE! SHAME!
A handful of men and women held out against the frenzied hordes of bloodthirsty fanatics!
At The Top Of The Year's "Ten Best" - The picture that earns for 1939 a proud place in motion-picture history!
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Can a Woman Kill a Man With Who She Has Known a Night of Love ?
Banned In Many Countries
All aboard the train of mysterious events!