On November 25, 1970, Japan's greatest author Yukio Mishima commited an act that shocked the literary world...
The Greatest Hong Kong Martial Arts Action Revenge Gore-Soaked Prision Breakout Love Story Cult Film of 1991 Ever Put on DVD!!! (2010 Media Blasters Remastered DVD Edition)
Carrying on the legend.
Berlin. 1961. The true story of a flight to freedom.
The best there was!
Fight hard to survive.
It'll go straight to your heart.
Reach for it with everything you've got.
The ice... The fire... The fight... To be the best.
No gun. No knife. No equal.
Now you will see his Real Story.
A superb mystery thriller, unusual and startling even for a Chaney film. Lon as "The Unknown" eats, drinks, shoots a rifle and dresses with his feet. Don't miss this startling spectacle. (Print Ad- The Cobbleskill Index,((Cobbleskill, NY)) 13 October 1927)