He's lost his identity... next it may be his life
The nightmare is about to begin... again!
Turn off the lights and watch...if you dare!
The Frog brothers are back for blood
Their only law is "An eye for an eye".
For 500 years the secret lay dormant... Until now!
Fate made them Warriors. Courage will make them Legends
He's No Ordinary Insurance Man -- You Can Bet Your Life On It!
Big Movie. Big Production. Big Girls.
They had to be the toughest fighting force on earth - and the men who led them had to be just a little bit tougher!
Steve Coogan Is....
It wants to get out!
Sorority ceremony becomes a real «'hell night'» for coed
Hunting Humans is the Ultimate Thrill
Somewhere Out There a New Terror is Breeding
Horror Has A Human Heart