He's come from the past to destroy the future
The only thing standing between an assassin and his target is a father who must protect his son
Reality hasn't got a prayer.
How will it end?
Survival is no game
The ones we lose are never really gone.
Того, кого ты помнишь, никогда не было...
His next target is now hunting him
In 1968, George Romero brought us «Night of the Living Dead.» It became the classic horror film of its time. Now, George Romero brings us the most intensely shocking motion picture experience for all time
Иногда мертвецы возвращаются...
All's fair in love and cold war.
Вы думали, всё это выдумки...
Close the world, open the nExt
Они существуют. Она — доказательство