Фильмы и сериалы 1988 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1988 году

Слово может покалечить

Волшебная миля

You just found out that you have 24 hours to live. What are YOU going to do?

Бумажный дом

A drawing that became a dream. A dream that became reality.


70,000 gang members. One million guns. Two cops.

Адвокат для убийцы

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster." - Nietzsche.

Кошмары Фредди

"Don't Let Him Catch You Sleeping!"

Огонь на поражение

A ruthless killer. A beautiful hostage. Two men follow them into the mountains. One for love. One for revenge.

Чудесные годы

It's 1968. The Suburbs. And in each little house with a Chevy in the driveway and a TV in the den, there are people with stories...families band together in laughter, hope, love and wonder (season 1)

На лоне природы

Raccoons: Furry Friends or Masked Menace?

Всё наоборот

Just when he was ready for mid-life crisis, something unexpected came up. Puberty

Возвращение помидоров-убийц

They were out for blood, and rotten to the core. Now they're back ...

Чужая нация

Los Angeles, 1991. They have come to Earth to live among us. They've learned the language, taken jobs, and tried to fit in. But there's something about them we don't know

Билокси блюз

The Army gave Eugene training. Daisy showed him the basics.

Свидание со смертью

An invitation to murder ! ...

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