The terrifying last word in home invasion from the director of "Tombstone" and "Cobra."
The shockingly naked facts about L.S.D., revealing for the first time an inside look at the damaging effects of the sugar cube on the morals of a young girl!
She was every man's dream - and one man's obsession.
Killer eyes. Killer legs. Killer instincts.
This is one flight you'll never forget.
Tom Logan has a law partner who put a dog on the witness stand. A client who can't enter a room without a crime being committed. And a case that could turn out to be the murder of the year. His.
He's having the adventure of someone else's life.
An unusual story of a young American girl and her exciting adventure
Una vita pubblica, un segreto privato, un debito da pagare (A public life, a private secret, a debt to pay) (Italian DVD)
Delivers Shocks To The Maximum ... Pushes The Limits Of Acceptability
At twice the speed of sound, can the Concorde evade attack?
No-one is safe!
If you like strong thrills, come to see us... But do not come alone... Just in case.
No one's ever been so good at being so bad