From the terrifying best seller
Отдам в хорошие руки
Борат отдыхает!
Никому ни слова, но они - абсолютно нормальные мужики!
A New Breed of Evil
Неважно куда ты идешь. Важно как ты это делаешь
Sometimes in Life You Have to Change Lanes.
У каждой семьи есть свои мрачные секреты
2 guys. 300 girls. Now there's something to cheer about!
"Too much of a good thing is wonderful"
Мужчинами не рождаются
Better living through cloning
There's More to the Story than you know
The nation's most startling and hotly discussed best-seller now on the screen with every shock and sensation intact
LYNCH LAW RULES THE MOB! (original print ad - all caps)
Когда я вырасту большим, я стану девушкой!
Your hairdresser does it better...
Most women in her situation would do the very same thing! They just wouldn't do it as well- or as often!