Remote. Controlled.
The most acclaimed actor of his generation in the role of a lifetime
Powerful. Provacative. Controversial.
How freaky would it be if you turned into your mother?
The legend of "The Rose" continues...
Turn off the lights and watch...if you dare!
На каждого сыщика всегда найдётся...
It takes a special kind of girl to know exactly what she wants... and not give up anything to get it.
Sworn to Fun...Loyal to None!!!
They are still here.
Sins will beget sins.
He's not as fast as he used to be... That's what makes him human. He's a bounty hunter... And that's what makes him dangerous.
Algunas veces hay que perder la razón para encontrar la libertad. (Mexico)
He Plans To Steal...More Than Her Heart.
I'm tired of being terrorized in the toilets, chased after school, and shaken down for my lunch money. Will you be my bodyguard?
Такая вот... «коза ностра»
With each moment we write our story