To friere er en for mange... spesielt når du allerede er gift med den ene...
You have never seen it before! A New torrent of emotions! A New Triumph of Film-Making from EMbassy Pictures who brought you "Divorce Italian Style" and "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" now brings you...
Assume the position.
Life offers you a thousand chances ... all you have to do is take one
The most beautiful place to be is in love
Со свастикой на плече, с Торой в сердце
Two men driven to tell the truth... whatever the cost
Every man fights his own war.
Evil wears many faces.
They were totally unqualified to try the case of a lifetime... but every underdog has his day
Иногда жизнь преподносит странные сюрпризы
Все во что ты веришь. Все о чем ты знаешь. Может оказаться ложью
Только здесь и только сейчас
His Triumph Changed The World Forever.
Единственным недостатком их плана была она
Sex. Clothes. Popularity. Whatever
This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future
Всё интригующее начинается в твоих мозгах