То, что не убивает нас, лишь пробуждает в нас манию убийства
Взгляни в небеса... и убегай!
DANGEROUSLY She dared to LOVE! (original ad - all caps)
The Musical Romantic Adventure Of This Or Any Year!
They'll do anything to stop Telefon. The operation that can trigger 51 human time bombs.
Beneath the surface of respectability lies the shadow of our darker side.
Only Patrick Hale can prevent a desperate president, the head of the CIA, a trigger happy general, terrorists, an arms dealer, and religious fanatics from destroying our world, But he has other things on his mind.
There Are Two Things On Their Minds... One's Killing!
All that was left after...THE KILLER SHREWS! (Used in conjunction with a woman's pink pump and splattered blood)