Yours is the life they've chosen
An army of one... for hire.
Ordinary men. Extraordinary heroes
His Adventures . . . Like His Loves . . . Were Great and Exciting !
They had a choice, Kill or be Killed
Terrorists have taken over Regis Academy...and they're about to receive a lesson they will never forget.
When you have attitude - who needs experience?
Demented forever!
Looks ni damasareru na
Не ходите дети в Мексику гулять...
Здесь каждый вооружен и очень опасен
Первый шведский фильм, запрещенный к показу в Швеции
First His Wife. Now His Daughter. It's Time To Even The Score!
Get ready for the ride of your life.
From the book by Robert Ludlum, the master writer of international espionage.
The fate of the world is a matter of time
Откровения серийного убийцы
Не в то время. Не в том месте. Не в той компании