The Desert Demons Who Stopped Rommel, The Desert Fox!
One Kiss taught her to kill...taught him to love! (Print Ad-Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia, Penna.)) 21 May 1944)
America's Pioneer Heroes Come To Life !
One devil of a motion picture !
The Legendary Conflict of Mankind's Mightiest Mortals!
Outnumbered - unarmed - unprepared - they stunned the world with their incredible victory!
They ravaged the South for 4 long years! Man-woman fury marks every mile!
21 Medals of Honor, 9,486 Purple Hearts, 588 Silver Stars, 5,200 Bronze Stars. This is their story
This Hill That Became the Hell-Torn Heart of a War! Now It Is a Name That Has Come to Mean Heroism and Greatness!
It happened on a raging battlefield, but he could have been a murderer stalking a city's streets!
Seven Men The World Had Forgotten And A Woman No One Could Forget!
Tougher than Leather . . . Harder to Kill! Daring Americans Fighting Against All Odds!
Where the end of World War II began.
They took what they wanted...and they wanted the world!
Exploding With All the Passion of a Daring Love Story!
The son of Spartacus leads the slaves against their tyrant oppressors!
Might is Right!