Was one man's life worth 1 million dollars and the death of 21 men?
Sometimes you go looking for something you want. . . and find what you need
Their world is a two-lane blacktop - no beginning... no end... no speed limit!
They've got 24 hours to stop a package, prevent a disaster, and fall in love.
On the long road, friendship is everything.
Жизнь отца глазами его сына
From the book by Robert Ludlum, the master writer of international espionage.
Close Your Eyes and Picture the Perfect World
She's blond, beautiful, and forever young. She's Cherry 2000 - a robotic woman that becomes a man's driving passion... until he meets the real thing.
Evil waits again on the side of the road.
The surprise comedy hit of the New York Film Festival
Clint Eastwood is the man in the middle of The Gauntlet
In The Vein Of Terror
Something Different Something Daring Something Dangerous
Rain People don't run away from their hang-ups. Just themselves!
Dieser männer bringen was ins rollen.
There have been many great drivers but only one great passenger.