Trouble travels together
fear never travels alone
Kristofferson and MacGraw...ain't nothin' gonna get in their way!
I used to be somebody else...but I traded him in.
«The Kid» keeps the legend alive....
Coming to a screen bigger than your TV
Солнце нас сожжёт
He went from the eye of the storm, into the arms of a hurricane.
Every summer Chevy Chase takes his family on a little trip. This year he went too far.
Only you saw it. Only you can save them
On a lonely Texas road, time, space and murder are about to collide
They came. They saw. They came.
The thousands who have read the book will know why WE WILL NOT SELL ANY CHILDREN TICKETS to see this picture!
When one falls, another brings him home
It's the maximum trip... at maximum speed.
Она гонится за мечтой… они гонятся за ней
No Exit