Другая сторона Второй мировой войны
Храбрость, чтобы сопротивляться, сила духа, чтобы выжить
In a city of glamour at a time of decadence they met. An aristocrat, a soldier of conscience, and an entertainer. Together they shared a deep passion
The social manipulation of society through the generation of fear and division has completely detached humans from their sense of power and reality.
Поиски Святого Грааля... на улицах Нью-Йорка
Down these mean streets a man must come. A hero born, murdered, and born again.
To win a war, you have to start one.
Иногда в городе надо прибраться
Любовь обмену и возврату не подлежит
Do you smell something burning?
«The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.» - Edmund Burke
. . and when it's all over one of them won't be laughing
Life is a Cabaret
This is what love feels like
Жена. Мать. Шпион
In any other town they'd be the bad guys...
Danger runs deep