Sidney Poitier as the life-loving ex-GI who one day encounters five nuns escaped from beyond the Berlin Wall...
Their lives will never be the same.
No one can save them.
He's Pure Evil. Pure Power. Pure Terror.
RECKLESS with WOMEN...He pursued them ..."petted" them...promised them nothing and got away with everything! (Print Ad-Gettysburg Times, ((Gettysburg, Penna.)) 6 July 1934)
The Most Horrific Dracula Film Ever Made - and HAMMER say so!
It takes courage to walk in the truth.
Five sisters embrace the spirit of a people.
An Epic Life He Could Only Imagine
The banned TV series they didn't want you to see!
They gave their souls to Hell... but the Devil wanted MORE!
Her Past. Her Future. Her Family.
Dare to dream.
Dona Flor had two happy marriages. One was made in heaven.