«See You on Flamingo Road»
See It - Hear It - Feel It - Live It
CHEERFUL...TEARFUL...TUNEFUL! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - October 17, 1936 - all caps)
MGM presents the Comedy-Romance in luscious COLOR!
A WOMAN OF BEAUTY...who wielded ruthless power over men!
MUSIC...COLOR...ROMANCE (original poster-all caps)
Obey That Impluse!!!!!
Based on the remarkable true story.
she kissed him out of his life's savings... but the poor guy loved it...
Some say he's a miracle man. Some say he's a fraud. You are about to meet a most unusual young man.
Love is better the second time around.
BEAUTY AND THE BOSS AND BUSINESS WAS PLEASURE! (original print ad - all caps)