Kanjibhai is taking God to court!
TWO LOVERS...VICTIMS OF MOB VIOLENCE! (original 1936 window card poster)
The sin she committed in the name of love could not be judged by man...or punished by law!
Основано на реальных событиях серийного убийцы Мэнсона
The Occult Forces. The Ritual Murder. The Sinister Storms. The Prophetic Dreams. The Last Wave.
First His Wife. Now His Daughter. It's Time To Even The Score!
It Will Tickle Your Funny Bone !
Unrest In Peace
It's all about the monkey trial that rocked America.
Never have so few taken so much from so many.
Yoo-Hoo, I'll make ya famous!
Putting Realness Back Into Reality
A Story of Vengeful Thwarted Love
Neither Heaven nor Earth could keep them apart!
Sometimes justice is a crime
LYNCH LAW RULES THE MOB! (original print ad - all caps)
Where intellect defies evil