A six-shooter writes the law as war flames on the range! Adventure---as bullets blaze the pioneer trail!
The earth shall tremble.... graves shall open.... they shall come among the living as messengers of death and there shall be the nights of terror.... "Profecy of the Black Spider"
The tomb of a thousand terrors!
Packed with Technicolor Thrills!
Who knew deception, treachery and revenge could be this much fun...
In the wilderness you can't dial 911
THE RAW UNTAMED ADVENTUROUS WEST...LIVES AGAIN! (original print media ad - all caps)
Basada en una historia real que durante 35 años se mantuvo en secreto
Hollywood's Most Famous Bad Man Joins the 'G-MEN' and Halts the March of Crime!
The greatness...the glory...the fury...of the Northwest Frontier!
The dramatic story of a girl in a man's world who taught a killer the real meaning of love!
Beware! Terror strikes in the night!
An Experience You'll never forget !
Love is Dangerous
One man alone understood the savagery of the early American west from both sides.
Time is Running Out!
Wherever you've been... Whatever you've seen... You've never run into anything like Warlock.