Run to live... kill to survive (UK)
Everyone says he should date girls his own age. Oscar respectfully disagrees.
He's lost his identity... next it may be his life
All talking... all singing!
TO BE OR NOT TO BE MARRIED...that is the question!? (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Midway Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - May 5, 1945)
From the director of the Academy Award Nominated film "The Scent of Green Papaya" comes a shocking new vision of beauty, passion and power.
It'll Blow Your Nose!
"The Finest Specimen I Ever Killed"
Dare to dream.
A Canvas of People, Politics, Passion, and Pirandello.
Love, Music, Horror, Volcanos. Cinema was never meant to be like this! (UK Release)
Tomie will not die!