Ты не попадёшь домой
The only thing more terrifying than Mother Nature is human nature.
Cruel, devious, pure as venom. All hell's broken loose.
The Hopes of a Mother. The Dreams of a Father. The Fate of a Child.
Everybody died.
Порхающий, как бабочка, и жалящий, как пчела
The bravest place to stand is by each other's side.
Rome. Before Christ. After Fellini.
What does it take to find the way back?
Kenneth Branagh's New Comedy About Love, Friendship And Other Natural Disasters
What you see does not exist. What you cannot see is truth.
Passion. Possession
Открой коробку. Брось жребий. Пусть решает судьба
...an experience beyond total fear.
Rebel. Genius. Liberator
Одни упадут. Другие полетят
The best King adaption since Misery
They made it personal... He'll make them pay.
Всё казалось идеальным. В один момент всё изменилось