На что ты готов пойти ради мести?
A Mesmerizing Mind-Bender To Haunt Your Dreams.
Delivering justice, one shell at a time...
На грани жизни и смерти. Ради неё
George Clooney is
Prepare for the Dawn
Охота началась!
Evil wears many faces.
The Heat's Back On!
Propose to this cop's sister? Rookie mistake.
Как тебя найдут, если никто не знает, что ты пропал?
Поиски Святого Грааля... на улицах Нью-Йорка
On land, on sea, or in the air, no place is safe from them!
Бесстрашный. Неудержимый. Несравненный
Born November 2nd 1984...Dies September 1991
They made him an offer he should have refused
The most wanted dead man alive (Season 5)
The hunter and the hunted, the ultimate chase begins
Just when we thought the Cold War was over, leave it to these guys to heat it up again
Подруги по жизни... и смерти