In 1923, a black town in Florida was burned to the ground, its people murdered because of a lie. Some escaped and survived because of the courage and compassion of a few extraordinary people. This film is for them.
Programmed To Think. Wired To Destroy.
A Hot Comedy About Cold Cash.
SENSATIONAL SUSPENSE DRAMA! (original print media ad - all caps)
Evil lurks in the light.
A story told with a blazing .44 !
They'll break through the fortress walls... or die trying!
What "Stripes" did to the army, what "Police Academy" did to law enforcement...these guys do to scouting!
Invasion from Outer Space!...Sights too weird to imagine! Destruction too monstrous to escape!
the day they took on The Real Power!
Too Mean to Forgive ... Too Mad to Forget!
He's the devil they named the island for!
Out of Prison ... Out of Control ... and Totally Out of His Mind!
CAROLE LOMBARD swings across in Paramount's hilarious romance of a Brooklyn "Queen" (Print Ad- New York Post, ((New York NY)) 9 July 1936)