Death in Space!
CinemaScope's First Science-Fiction Thriller Hurls You into the Year 2508!
Beware of love in radioactive packages'
Sit right back and hear a tale, A tale of a frightful ship
A sci-fi shocker that'll keep you awake at night!
THE STRANGEST PICTURE YOU'LL EVER SEE! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lyric Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - October 1, 1936 - all caps)
The One...The Only KING OF MONSTERS as the new demon of the atomic age!
He came out of nowhere. A stranger... a soldier... and maybe a savior.
Extermination is the reward for the world's richest prize.
The Stars of «The Texas Chainsaw Massacre» are back!
The picture that comes complete with a 10-foot-tall monster to give you the wim-wams!
A Brutal Orgy of Ghastly Terror!
DOUBLE HORROR BILL of ARCH FIENDS! (original ad - all caps; co-feature of 'Daughter of Dr. Jekyll')