Right now... a cinematic gem unlike any other in the world... a computer-anime... has just been finished!
The Grand Adventure of the Year!
He's young. He's wild. He's fun. And he's the one protecting the President's son.
Настало время свершиться древнему пророчеству
Piercing Drama of La Fitte - Man or Devil ?
What if the South had won the War?
What can you do for your country?
down this twisted road, please watch over my soul and lift me up so gently so as not to touch the ground.
La Terre est en péril... (Earth is in peril...)
We built a super computer with a mind of its own and now we must fight it for the world!
Kidnapping a US President is worth a hell of a lot of money.
He's a journalist with gravitas, with dignity, with balls.
SINATRA... tears loose with a gun in his hand! SINATRA... out to get the No. 1 man in the nation! SINATRA... as a kill-hungry hoodlum!
No force from this world can stop it!
Prepare for the Apocalypse...
He's hotter than ever and ready to make the house Rock's!