MEN DIE! WOMEN SIGH! Beneath that Batcape - he's all man!
Фильм, запрещенный к прокату во многих странах
Теперь у Нью-Йорка есть новое оружие - полицейский, у которого свои методы борьбы с преступностью
Their lives will never be the same.
When evil threatens, it's hero time.
Detroit, Chicago, New York, Miami were like this! This is THE CITY OF ANGELS! This is L.A.
Sore de wa minasan, sayonara
Она осмелилась бросить вызов мафии. Вызов был принят
Who's next?
When you've seen it all, you'll swear there's never been anything like it!
Russ Meyer's ode to the violence in women
Some people see life differently
There's no greater battle... Than the battle for your life.
If you were kidnapped by the government, would you walk the 1500 miles back home?
His love dictates every move.
Spectacular special effects and excellent ensemble acting.