In a world of lies, nothing is more dangerous than the Truth.
Friends last forever. Goodness is its own reward. ...And there ain't no Indians in the Bronx.
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Too Handsome. Too Young. Too Liberal. Doesn't have a chance. He's PERFECT!
If the Fourth Protocol is ever breached, there would be no warning, just a nuclear explosion from a bedsitter...The unthinkable has just begun...
Jean-Luc Godard on Black Power, Rape, Murder, Fascism, Acid, Pornography, Sex, Revolution, Brutality and all the other things that make life worth living.
The man who sells war. The bloodier the battle - the higher the price. He's going to make a fortune on this one.
A charming, wealthy English gentleman. Two beautiful women. If it only takes a moment to fall in love, imagine what can happen in...
The drama of two men fighting the supreme battle of the mind.
A GREAT MOTION PICTURE DARES TO BE DIFFERENT! (original print media ad - all caps)
Can they really live a normal life after porn?
And you thought Monday night... was dead.