The prize winning comedy-drama of a young girl's passionate love for life!...
We live at the abyss.
She was married at 13. She had four kids by the time she was 20. She's been hungry and poor. She's been loved and cheated on. She became a singer because it was the only thing she could do. She became a star because it was the only way she could do it.
Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается
A child's secret. A mother's love. A family's rebirth.
Eastside High was out of control...until Joe Clark took it back.
A story of ordinary people, in extraordinary times!!
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It's frightening to think they did it. It's terrifying to think they didn't.
In everyone's life there's a friendship you never forget.
At Ocean Front High, what do they call a guy who cuts classes, hates homework, and lives for summer vacations? Teacher.
Not all teen pregnancies are unplanned.
The Truth Is What We Believe.
The things teen-age girls learn in school...that aren't in books