Не судите, да не судимы будете
Я застрелил свою жену... Попробуй докажи!
Все ради неё
Каждый демон - бывший ангел
Чаки жаждет драки
From The Chilling Imagination Of Clive Barker
Sorry Jack... Chucky's Back!
Dans un instant, leur vie va basculer... (In a second, their life will change...)
A meteor hurtles toward Earth. Mankind is on the brink of disaster. The president accuses Earth's favorite son. Superman & Batman are wanted. They are...
Уважаемый гражданин. Любимый муж. Профессиональный палач
In many a distant village, there exists the Legend of the Werewolf or Wolf Man, a legend of a strange mortal man with the hair and fangs of an unearthly beast... his hideous howl, a dirge of death!
No more pencils, No more books, No more teachers' dirty looks
An "unthinkable" theme