Not for the eyes and ears of anyone under 16 years!
He was Hollywood's greatest screenwriter. His words still resonate today. He defied a committee, he defied the system. They took his honor. They took his freedom. So Dalton Trumbo went to war. But the ending could only be written by him.
She was a real looker, but I knew if she got the chance, She'd put a bullet in my back. Dames are funny that way.
The most horrifying syndicate of evil in history!
ALABAMA'S CITY OF SIN AND SHAME! (original print ad - all caps)
A mystery thriller and a love adventure. The romance of a boy and a girl in a mansion of hidden motives. A film you'll want to see all over again. (Print ad)
When life ends, the terror begins
M.G.M.'s magic musical in Technicolor
Eine Legende kehrt zurück.
They had to keep their hands off girls in order to keep the Army's hands off them.
The Shocking True Story Of The Fall Of High Society.
Against sinister forces that prey on youth!
«Little Caesar» Swaps Dames for Debs...Beer Trucks for Tea Cups! (Print Ad- Milwaukee Sentinel, ((Milwaukee, Wisc.)) 1 June 1933)