It takes leadership to confront a nation's fear. It takes friendship to conquer your own.
Размер имеет значение
Страшная легенда оживает вновь
Woman. Warrior. Queen.
Absolute power demands absolute loyalty
Она правила миллионами, но ее сердце принадлежало единственному мужчине
Tradition Prepared Her. Change Will Define Her.
2000 актеров. 300 лет русской истории. 33 зала Эрмитажа. 3 живых оркестра. Всего 1 дубль на съемках
Один за всех и все за одного
En skæbnefortælling om tre generationer i kamp for at overleve.
Во имя свободы и веры
...a motion picture for all times!
Some of the greatest battles are fought with the heart.
Её лишили титулов, достоинства, богатства. Обман - её единственное средство
Father baptized Rus', his son made it strong.
His Majesty was all powerful and all knowing. But he wasn't quite all there.
He was King. She was barely 18. And in their thousand days they played out the most passionate and shocking love story in history!