A dream of dark and troubling things
Самый тёмный час
You have never seen it before! A New torrent of emotions! A New Triumph of Film-Making from EMbassy Pictures who brought you "Divorce Italian Style" and "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" now brings you...
Парни останутся парнями. Джесс останется Джесс
Life offers you a thousand chances ... all you have to do is take one
When it came to making bad movies, Ed Wood was the best
Life has a mind of its own
Сто пудов чистой любви!
Железная рука закона
Heroes in a half shell!
И смерть не разлучит нас
Последний репортаж. Не для эфира...
Надо было предохраняться
Ride Like Hell
Узел затянут
The film that was banned for 4 years. Why..? (original Finnish poster tagline)
You will never see the most highly acclaimed film of our time on television. This may be your last chance to see it in a theater. (1975)
A Stunning, Intelligent Thriller
Movie-wise, there has never been anything like it - laugh-wise, love-wise, or otherwise-wise!