Beauty Never Dies...
...SHE'LL LIE...KILL OR KISS HER WAY OUT OF ANYTHING! (original print ad - all caps)
A fugitive in his own mind.
A TRAIL OF A THOUSAND DANGERS! (original USA poster - all caps)
Toute societe a les crimes qu'elle merite.
Temptress of Pleasure - or Mistress of Murder?
13 1/2 Murders + 1423 Laughs = Student Bodies
Who'll survive the final exam?
A sultry chanteuse, a hunk on the lam and a fortune in stolen gems.
There was a notch on her gun for every man she got!
He raped, tortured, killed... and loved every minute of it!
Никто не останется в живых...
An original film, thrilling from start to end.
Kill... Or be killed.
He was easy to like. Deadly to know. Tough to catch.
Comedy - Suspense - Love - and a Paris few people ever see!
4 грабителя, 2 убийцы и слишком много оружия
What if every day you relived your own murder?