Creepier than Jack the Ripper
Don't miss it! The funniest picture ever made!
The surprise comedy hit of the New York Film Festival
The true story of World War II's forgotten heroes
You'll Never See a Movie With More Carefee Fun and Happy Living!
A Dramatic and Unusual Love Story!
MGM's acclaimed production of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
The Story of a Perfect Crime... Perfectly Hilarious!
When someone knocks on your door and says permesso? careful before you say Avanti!
See her as you have never seen her before...wounded by her love for men, and healing the hurt of others.
Never judge a man by his cover.
SANDA has a husband - SANDRA has a brother - SANDRA loves one of them much too much. (original USA poster)
An impudent, riotous laugh on the lives and morals of our day!
Volker Schlöndorff's Masterly Film