Кто остановит смертоносный экспресс?
Death is only the beginning
The anti-war satire of epic proportions.
Mass destruction just met its match
They made it personal... He'll make them pay.
Гаджет встречает свою половину...
The Transformers story continues in the acclaimed sequel!
Saving the world before bedtime.
D-Day Began When The Dirty Dozen Were Done!
He'll get you away faster than anyone else on wheels.
Ему нет равных ни в воздухе, ни на земле
Cleaning Up The Planet One Villain At A Time.
Spies don't get fired, they get burned.
Теперь у Нью-Йорка есть новое оружие - полицейский, у которого свои методы борьбы с преступностью
The China Syndrome. It's not about China. It's about choices. Between honesty and ambition. Career and conscience. Responsibility and profit. The China Syndrome. Today, only a handful of people know what it means. On March 16, so will you.
They trained him to kill. Now they want him dead