There's no greater battle... Than the battle for your life.
Cross it at your peril
There's a darker side to Sam Quint. Steal from him and you'll find out...
Их миссия требовала одного хорошего выстрела... и двух человек достаточно, чтобы осуществить это
The war's not over until the last man comes home.
An army of one... for hire.
The Epic Tale of Supernatural Vengeance Takes Flight Again
Was one man's life worth 1 million dollars and the death of 21 men?
Дорога в ад выстлана благими намерениями
Когда жажда справедливости сметает все границы на своем пути...
This school is our home, we think it's worth defending
Fighting The War On Terror.
Ключ к будущему скрыт в глубинах прошлого
Haunted by the past, his vengeance knows no limits...
They're the last two alive... But when they meet, only one will survive.
A Father's Rage Has No Limit
30% human, 70% robot, 100% lethal.
The Explosive Kickboxer Legacy Continues!