Haunted by the past, his vengeance knows no limits...
As a boy he was taught the secrets of Kung Fu, now he will use them to avenge his father's death.
The Explosive Kickboxer Legacy Continues!
He thrived on two kinds of people...his victims and his women!
Locked in a prison orbiting 26,000 miles above earth. Escape was never thought possible...until now.
Kane's justice is revenge. Kane's weapon is himself.
Une rencontre de légende
It's not the plan, it's the execution.
First His Wife. Now His Daughter. It's Time To Even The Score!
From the book by Robert Ludlum, the master writer of international espionage.
Only one man can stop the Yakuza
Fast. Furious. Deadly.
Don't get in his way.
His rules. His way. No exceptions.
For those who threatened him, framed him, imprisoned him, time is running out
If they think they can stop him, they're dead wrong