Узнай правду... если сможешь!
Они искали колыбель человечества, но нашли его погибель
Во имя любви. Во имя чести. Во имя человечества
Сражаться вместе... Или погибнуть вместе
The ultimate in alien terror
Это твой последний вздох
Whatever you do, don't look back
Aliens thrilled you... The Fly shocked you... Now experience real fear...
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil...
Nature unleashed.
A boy and girl face the challenge of the world's last frontier. Dangers they had never known before... A people they had never seen before...
There's no escaping Mother Nature
You have ravaged the earth with your mines, and don't you see that you have ravaged my body? - Sam Woolagoocha
Welcome to the island of California.
Based on Jules Verne's fantastic stories of strange adventure...
A Mountain. A Monster. A Massacre
Reality is only the beginning.