Beware Those You Love the Most
Don't Dare See It...Alone!
Torn from the tomb to terrify the world!
PLEASE TRY NOT TO FAINT. Not recommended for people of nervous disposition.
He Turned Innocent Beauty Into Unspeakable Horror.
The Greatest All New Fright Show In Town!
The beauty of woman... the demon of darkness... the unholy union of "The Devil's Bride"!
The Most Horrific Dracula Film Ever Made - and HAMMER say so!
She's the New Horror from Hammer!
The Count is back, with an eye for London's hotpants . . . and a taste for everything
EVEN THOSE WHO LOVED HIM WERE NOT SAFE! (original print ad - all caps)
A Monster With the Power to Turn Living Screaming Flesh Into Stone!
One Uses Her Beauty For Love! One Uses Her Lure For Blood!
The Terror Rises Again
The King of the undead marries the Queen of the Zombies
The Ultimate in Evil!
Shock Show of the Year!
Human fangs ripping throats - no sawdust can soak up the torrent of blood!
Blood. The more she drinks, the prettier she gets. The prettier she gets, the thirstier she gets