If Something Frightening Happens To You Today, Think About It. It May Be «The Omen»
The final vision of a controversial filmmaker
Inspired by the most notorious unsolved murder in California history.
One, two, Freddy's coming for you... three, four, Jason's at your door...
Delivering justice, one shell at a time...
У каждого свои секреты...
The Roman Scandals - Bound to shock with its truth!
Men Make History. We Make The Men
There once was a house, a bright happy home, something bad happened, now it sits all alone. It's pillars are its bones, it's walls are it's skin, it's windows are it's eyes, won't you come in
А вы были бы уже мертвы
There were three men in her life. One to take her... one to love her... and one to kill her
When the world closed its eyes, he opened his arms
Ещё одно лето в аду
Вы думали, что фильм закончился - и всё?
Ужас подвергся эволюции
Мир Древнего Рима гибнет. Но зарождается миф, которому предначертано соединить века
Ein Alptraum.
Fear Revisited