The life he wanted to end, was just about to begin
Its passion cannot be overstated. Its power must not be overlooked.
One Will Wake It. One Will Destroy It.
With each moment we write our story
Three Human Lives Wonderfully Bewitched by a Enchanted Cat!
It will mark you for life as it marked him for... Betrayal
Not everyone loves surprises
Just to get through the blandness of life.
In love you either sink or swim
Listen to the dead
Rapture (rap'chur) 1. ecstatic joy or delight. 2. a state of extreme sexual ecstasy. 3. the feeling of being transported to another sphere of existence. 4. the experience of being spirited away to Heaven just before the Apocalypse.
Don't Bring the Kids!
Love is only the beginning.
Right woman. Right place. Wrong time.