Thif monfoon. Difcover your mean fide.
A true story
Your house is next.
A comedy about two guys who take the mob for a ride.
When it comes to getting dumped... He wrote the book.
Run to live... kill to survive (UK)
TO BE OR NOT TO BE MARRIED...that is the question!? (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Midway Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - May 5, 1945)
They don't come any wilder than Oscar Wilde's classic comedy of manners, morals and morality!
Beauty and Rhythm set in Jerome Kern's Magic Music (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Tower Theatre - Lubbock, Texas -Feb. 14, 1943)
ride with the Easy Rider into an action whirlwind.
The King and Queen of «Carioca»
Falsely accused. Unjustly convicted. Determined to survive on the inside. Demanding justice once he's on the outside.
He comes from a hostile and primitive land....Now all he's got to do is survive a few days in Hong Kong.
A Scanda-Laugh Fest!
Sometimes you feel like a nut... sometimes you are
They saw Paris. They saw France. They saw the Queen in her underpants
This Diwali, two great civilizations... will wish they had never met!