A MUSICAL FANTASY(print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche -Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas- September 26, 1946 - all caps)
Just when you thought it was safe to look at the calendar again.
The most acclaimed actor of his generation in the role of a lifetime
They are still here.
A Scanda-Laugh Fest!
Space. It's not as deep as you think.
Чужая смерть подарит тебе новую жизнь
THE MASTER MINDS OF MYSTERY! (original print ad - all caps)
When prim & proper meets wild & crazy get ready to ...
Meet Alim. His lover. His mother...and his imaginary muse in the spirit of Cary Grant
Passion. Guilt. Justice.
Man is the only animal that kills for pleasure
Re-model Your Love Life.
These Guys Make The Sopranos Sing!
Die wunderbare Geschichte einer blinden Liebe (The wonderful story of a blind love)