War Is Swell ...when the Marx Brothers are in it. They'll be out of the trenches by Christmas...if the food doesn't improve
Don't miss it! The funniest picture ever made!
Laughing days are here again!
Funny has a color all its own.
Three Great Laff Stars ! . . . more gags and gals . . . more songs and dances !
New Musical Girlesque!!!
The Maddest Comics of the Screen!
The maddest comics of them all!
The Marx Brothers spend...
See it three times and even then you won't get them all. (Print Ad, Black River Democrat, Lowville, NY 2 January 1930)
The Looniest, Tuniest Musical Gag-And-Gal Show Since «A Night At The Opera»
Howl . . . And Farewell ! Their Last Picture . . . And Their Best !
NOT SUITABLE FOR GENERAL EXHIBITION (Australian one-sheet poster)
Better . . . Battier . . . Funnier Than Ever !
Where modern-day Hollywood collides with the past