Вся команда в сборе
На грани хаоса и террора приходит время нового героя
Go for it!
Ты уверен, что всё знаешь о нем!..
Следующее поколение озорников
At Sweetwater Prison, The World Heavyweight Champion Is About To Meet His Match
DARING in its realism. STUNNING in its impact. BREATHTAKING in its scope.
Покажи, на что ты способен
Пристально следят за своей жертвой
One's still a little smarter than the other.
Prepare to Go Ballistic
Tonight, He either fights for his life or he'll be running for the rest of it.
Их оружие - убийственный интеллект. Их горючее - адреналин
Against all odds, they became friends. Against their will, they became opponents
Where Heroes Are Born And Legends Are Made
Не относись к этому так серьезно, детка!
A medal for honor. A search for justice. A battle for truth
Their idea of foreplay was murder.
Порхающий, как бабочка, и жалящий, как пчела
Love is always worth fighting for.